Our expertise
Hair and nails | Skin | Feminine well-being
All formulas have been designed and developed by an aesthetic doctor specializing in hair exclusively for REBORN in order to meet the needs of men and women.
Nutricosmetics is at the crossroads of food supplements and cosmetology treatments. The term refers to a new generation of beauty products capable of working from the inside to improve the external appearance.
We build REBORN around three fundamental values: Efficiency, harmony and ethics.
The nutritional values of each treatment and the benefits of each gummy have been the subject of a precise analysis. REBORN works hand in hand with an aesthetic doctor
No more capsules that are difficult to swallow, gummies have better bioavailability, a greater quantity of vitamins and minerals than in a traditional pill and do not damage the stomach.
“Game Changer” Innovation
The objective is to make a new start and adopt a healthy lifestyle that is good for oneself and one's environment, over time.
A new beauty ritual, reinvented cosmetics.
Our products are packaged in recyclable bottles. Innovative, practical, lighter packaging, without Bisphenol A or phthalates, and which preserves aromas.
The products have not been tested on animals
REBORN cares about its environment and your health.
Hair, nails and statistics
To make hair grow faster, it is important to understand the life of hair.
It grows from its root, which develops under the scalp in a tiny envelope called the hair follicle. It emerges from the root through the papilla, located at the base of the root and through which blood arrives and nourishes it. It is therefore “the raw material” contained in the blood which will allow the hair to grow.
The beauty of your hair and nails starts with what you eat. For healthy hair, eat our two little lions which will provide you with the necessary daily intake.
The nail is made up of 95% Keratin, just like the hair. All the nails and hair form the appendages.
Your nails deserve the same care as your hair
The REBORN effect
REBORN supplements your diet with all the vitamins and nutrients your body needs to grow longer, stronger hair.
Users of our formula report getting thicker, longer, shinier, healthier-looking, and more manageable hair with REBORN.
The speed of hair growth depends on the “genetic program” of each individual and their ethnicity. Thus, for a Caucasian type, hair grows on average 1 cm/month, for an African type 0.8 cm/month and for an Asian type, 1.3 cm/month.
Finally, seasonal changes affect hair growth. In summer, growth is energized by the sun unlike in winter and autumn, where this whole mechanism is more latent.
REBORN is here to help you with your new routine and will boost your beauty

We tested the effects of REBORN Hair & Nails on around a hundred people, aged 18 to 60, all with different hair types.
They took REBORN for a month and this is what they noticed.

Skin and stats
The skin is a multifunctional organ that weighs 5 kg and measures 2 m2 on average.
The skin is the largest organ in the human body: it represents 16% of its total weight. Made up of several layers of tissue, it forms a protective barrier for the body against the external environment, but also provides other vital functions. From a chemical point of view, the skin includes on average:
- 70% water
- 27.5% protein
- 2% fat
- 0.5% mineral salts and trace elements.
It is made up of three layers of fabric:
- The epidermis, the superficial layer
- The dermis, intermediate layer
- The hypodermis, deep layer
The epidermis The epidermis is a semi-permeable covering epithelial tissue. It is made up of three types of cells:
- Keratinocytes, filled with keratin (a protein also part of the composition of hair and nails) and lipids.
- Melanocytes, which produce melanin responsible for skin pigmentation - Langherans cells, which participate in the skin's immune system The epidermis itself is divided into five layers.
- Corneal layer (stratum corneum), composed of corneocytes, results of the final phase of mutation of keratinocytes which gradually rise from the basal layer, and epidermal lipids. Its lower third constitutes a real protective barrier against exogenous factors (pollution, sun, cold) and endogenous water loss.
- Clear layer (stratum lucidium), which corresponds to a transition phase between the granular layer and the stratum corneum.
- Granular layer (stratum granulosum), where the keratinization of keratinocytes begins (which evolve into corneocytes).
- Spinous layer or mucous body of malpighi, comprising 3 to 10 layers of keratinocytes which gradually flatten towards the surface.
- Basal layer, the deepest of the epidermis. It ensures the continuous regeneration of the skin by cell division: the cells produced gradually migrate to the upper layers, undergoing various mutations. Between these basal cells are intercalated the melanocytes, responsible for melanogenesis.
The dermis is a connective tissue, which supports the epidermis, protects the vascular network and nerve fibers. The dermis is divided into two layers:
- The papillary dermis (superficial dermis), intermediate layer rich in nerve endings and in permanent symbiosis with the epidermis, from which it is separated by the dermo-epidermal junction
- The reticular dermis (deep and middle dermis), a dense connective tissue composed of a network of elastic fibers.
It has different types of cells:
- Fibroblasts (cells that synthesize collagen, a protein essential for tissue elasticity)
- Histiocytes and mast cells, which play an important role in the skin's immune reactions. The hypodermis The hypodermis is adipose tissue located under the dermis. It is crossed by the vessels and nerves arriving in the dermis. It plays several roles:
- Protective, it serves as a shock absorber between the dermis and the bones - Thermal insulator - Morphological, it shapes the silhouette according to the age, sex and nutritional state of the individual
- Energetic, by storing fats.
At the level of the dermis and hypodermis, what are called skin appendages also arise:
- The eccrine sweat (or sweat) glands, which produce watery sweat
- Apocrine sweat glands, responsible for body odor
- The sebaceous glands which secrete sebum, this hydrolipidic film which protects the epidermis
- The hair follicles of hair and hair, associated with a sebaceous gland.
What is premenstrual syndrome (PMS)?
The menstrual cycle is punctuated by fluctuations in hormones (notably estrogen and progesterone) which will impact our emotions, our behavior and our body. During and sometimes 10 days before menstruation, 80% of women experience physical and emotional signs of varying intensity.
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a set of physical and emotional symptoms that usually occur before menstruation