Perte de cheveux à cause du froid de l'hiver. La neige dans les cheveux, symbolique de l'agression potentielle de notre cuir chevelu en saison froide.

Covid and Winter, factors in hair loss?

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Between Winter in full swing, the cold that hits us in the face and the tenacity of Covid-19, which we saw recently, reveals many side effects; our hair can take a hit and fall out over time. Don't panic, hair regenerates very regularly, and solutions exist to combat hair loss. 

Why does hair become fragile in the cold season? Does Covid really have an impact on hair loss? Is it irreversible? We will take the time to explain to you, and answer any questions you may have! 

What are the main reasons that weaken our hair on a daily basis and cause it to fall out?

Hair loss can be caused in different cases. It can be of infectious origin, linked to an illness, to thyroid problems or be of genetic origin.

Otherwise, it is often caused by iron deficiency, mainly in women with heavy periods. 

In men, the main and often found reason is alopecia: hair loss under the influence of male hormones.

Stress promotes hair loss on a daily basis, as do dietary deficiencies or certain recurring treatments. 

Why are our hair more damaged in Winter? What impact does Covid-19 have on our hair? 

We can add that hair is greatly weakened during the cold season, climate change being an important factor. Our hair mainly breaks, falls out, is drier and loses its shine. 

Here are some reasons given by hair professionals for the weakening of our scalp in Winter: 

  • Thermal shock: You wash your hair with hot water (or even very hot) and then confront it with the cold outside. 
  • Lack of humidity in the air (which dries out the hair fiber) 
  • The regular rubbing of clothes against our hair. 

And if we go into more detail...How does the cold affect the scalp?

Many studies show that dry, cold winter air causes the hair cuticle to become slightly loosened. This means that moisture can no longer remain trapped within the hair shaft and the hair becomes more sensitive and brittle. 

Another proven reason is the change in the functioning of the sebaceous glands, allowing our scalp to hydrate and regenerate better,  caused by a phenomenon of vasoconstriction of the blood vessels which regularly irrigate the scalp. 

Other simpler reasons such as heating or more regular use of the hair dryer weaken our scalp and make it more vulnerable.

As if our hair didn't suffer enough from the cold of winter, we can add to this season the side effects of Covid-19, recently known to have an impact on hair loss.

Indeed, a study carried out by a professor at the University of Indiana, in the United States, shows that unexpected symptoms of Coronavirus are found in many patients. Among them, hair loss. What could this be due to?

Dr. Shilpi Khetarpal, professor of dermatology at the Cleveland Clinic, the primary reason would be the stress induced by the disease. We would then speak of a phenomenon called "telogen effluvium", it would more simply be a hair disorder caused by stress, and leading to significant hair loss.

How to revitalize your hair and remedy these difficult conditions?

You have understood, seasonal hair loss is normal and is accentuated by different factors such as climate, light, hormones...

Different means are known and easily achievable to limit hair loss, strengthen it and take care of it on a daily basis. We are happy to share them with you!

  • Brush your hair every day, gently
  • After shampooing, rinse your hair with cold or lukewarm water (avoid excessively high temperatures)
  • Promote self-massage of your scalp to reactivate good blood circulation and help with good natural hydration
  • Use suitable hair products: shampoos, conditioners, hair loss treatments.
  • Don't overwash your hair

Remember to maintain a balanced and appropriate diet.

  • Favor foods rich in vitamins A, E, F and B, fatty acids and trace elements (magnesium, copper, iron)

What foods?

  1. Fish
  2. Eggs
  3. The chicken
  4. Dark chocolate
  5. Legumes
  6. Oils (Olive, flax, walnut...)
  7. The almonds
  8. Oysters
  9. Soy proteins...

What about food supplements then?

They are recommended in cases of severe hair loss and if you find that everyday actions are not having an effect. The composition of your treatment must contain the vitamins mentioned above (Vitamins A, E, F, and vitamin B -B4, B5, B6, B8). Horsetail is also strongly recommended to revitalize your hair. It is an intense stimulant that will promote good blood circulation to your scalp in order to provide strong growth. Rich in silica, it is a major asset against hair loss.

Our Hair and Nails treatment is ideal and will offer you all the necessary anti-hair loss benefits. it will also help regrowth by activating the growth of your hair and will strengthen it over the months of setting. This treatment will bring vitality, hydration and shine to your hair. All under the galenic of the gummy to bring a fun aspect to taking food supplements, and to ensure that you are diligent with it for optimal results.

You now have the keys in hand to fight against your hair loss. These few tips are certified and effective to reduce this annoying and recurring phenomenon in the cold season, and during this endless health crisis. Remember that after all, it is a natural phenomenon that needs to be treated in depth. Opt for interior and exterior treatment for best results. Up to you !

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