“Glowy” skins are more popular than ever. Since Egyptian times and Antiquity, women have not hesitated to use tricks for plump and glowy skin, in other words shiny, fresh, dewy!
Apricot cures, rose milk baths and Cleopatra's camphor balms are an example, and the "beauty routine" is born!
Nowadays, this effect is more sought after than ever, in all seasons. Whether with self-tanner, a glitter mist or highlighter, all means are good to provide a glowy effect to your complexion. Ladies, we have the solution to delight you!
In a quest for absolute well-being, we certainly want to have skin with a pretty, golden tan, but also and above all skin that is protected against external aggressions and hydrated at all times! Yes it's possible !
Nutricosmetics by REBORN
If you choose the Gold & Glow treatment, it will become your new essential ally in obtaining protected, hydrated, tanned and glowing skin.How does it work? Why choose it?
Tanning, also when it is obviously careful and without excess, is a form of protection of the skin barrier against UV rays thanks to the synthesis of melanin.
However, excessive sun exposure can have adverse effects
For safe sun exposure, using a sunscreen with a high protective factor is essential! So you can add our Gold and Glow gummies to your tanning session to boost and perfect it!
A Reborn Gold and Glow treatment allows you to obtain this tanned complexion without overexposure to the sun.
In addition, nutricosmetics offers to prepare your skin in the event of exposure, to hydrate it during and after this same exposure, to pigment it at any time of the year and to obtain tanned and glowy skin. without makeup!

What does a course of Gold & Glow self-tanning vitamins contain?
Trace elements:
- Copper
- Selenium
- Zinc
Antioxidant vitamins:
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin B
- vitamin A
- Beta carotene
The fruits :
- Apricot
- Mango
- Pink
You have understood, we offer you a perfect complexion all year round, while protecting you from the dangers linked to exposure and respecting Nature and our environment! It’s certain, you will shine!
Do you still doubt? Find us on the L’Arrogante blog!
Click here!
J’adore ce concept « d’autobronzant »
Ma peau est bien préparée et ne rougit plus ☀️
Un summer glow parfaaaaait ! Merci Reborn