lèvre sur lequelles sont déposées artistiquement de petites fleurs blanches, évoquant la naturalité d'un soin, aussi bien intérieur qu'extérieur

💫Why you absolutely must adopt an In & Out beauty routine!

In & Out is much more than a new trend: it is THE solution for a beauty routine that works. This new approach to beauty consists of taking care of your beauty from the inside with food supplements (but not only that!) but also from the outside with cosmetics . This combination of ingestion and application allows a double action and therefore maximum effectiveness . We explain everything to you in this article.

mouth half open with tongue trying to catch a flower on the upper lip subtly evoking herbal medicine and its benefits

A little history...

The history of In & Out holistic beauty dates back several decades and finds its roots in ancestral practices of caring for the body and mind . This approach to beauty developed in response to a growing need to consider overall health , inner balance and well-being in the field of beauty.

In the 1960s and 1970s the hippie movement emerged, promoting values ​​such as natural health , organic food , and natural care . This period marked the beginning of awareness of the importance of what we put into our body and its impact on our external appearance .

In the 1980s and 1990s the beauty industry began to take a more holistic approach, incorporating elements of wellness and health into its products and services. Spas and beauty salons began offering treatments that aimed to nourish the skin from the inside and out , using natural ingredients and relaxation techniques. The vision at that time was: when you feel good you feel beautiful, and vice versa. The harmony of body and mind is at the origin of the most beautiful beauty.

In recent decades, with the rise of social media and access to large amounts of information online , holistic beauty has grown in popularity.

Nowadays, this global beauty has become a real movement, highlighting a global approach to beauty which includes skin care but also lifestyle : diet , physical exercise , stress management, mental well-being . Taking care of your beauty is no longer limited to the simple application of cosmetic products but becomes much more complex and multifactorial, including well-being.

In summary, the story of holistic beauty is an evolution that reflects the growing awareness of the importance of balance and inner and outer well-being for fulfilling and lasting beauty.

The importance of such an inner beauty and outer beauty routine

The first benefit of combining interior beauty care and exterior beauty care is physiological . Cosmetics act on the surface on the superficial layers of the skin but do not manage to reach the deeper layers of the skin, which does not allow complete action. Food supplements are ingested, then absorbed by the body before entering the bloodstream to be distributed to target tissues such as the skin. They therefore offer targeted action from the inside and act on the deep layers of the skin . So, by combining these two types of products, cosmetics and food supplements, you can offer your skin a 360° synergy with great effectiveness .

The second interest lies in timing . As cosmetics take care of your skin from the surface, namely the visible part of your body, you will see rapid results , which is perfect for the most impatient. However, as the surface cells renew themselves regularly, this effect will not be lasting and if you stop your treatment, the benefits will fade. On the other hand, by using a course of food supplements (nutrients, vitamins) in addition to your cosmetics in your beauty routine, your deepest cells will integrate the active molecules and their benefits gradually into their cellular cycles so that the benefits will last even after stopping the treatment . They will certainly take longer to appear, the time to reach the surface but will offer you lasting beauty . By combining cosmetics and nutricosmetics (nutrients, vitamins), you can obtain both rapid and long-lasting results with a greater impact on your beauty!

Finally, most skin and hair problems come from the inside so why act only from the outside? Use the synergy of nutricosmetic and cosmetic treatments to have an impact at the same time on the causes and consequences of your external and internal beauty problems to eradicate them.

For example, if you have blemishes on your face, the causes may be internal. Pollution may have created oxidative stress in your cells and this signal of aggression has triggered an over-stimulation of the sebaceous glands to nourish the skin's protective hydrolipidic film. Result ? Oily skin and clogged pores . By using antioxidant active ingredients (vitamins, nutrients) provided by a course of food supplements , you will be able to take care of the skin, reduce oxidative stress and provide protection against environmental aggressions. The sebaceous glands will therefore function normally and produce a reasonable amount of sebum and, after a few weeks, you will no longer have new spots. Cosmetics can act from the outside on your already present imperfections to eradicate them and deposit an additional protective film on the surface of your skin. The perfect combination!

Our In & Out anti-aging solution: the 2 best brands

We have decided to combine the skills of 2 quality brands, Reborn Paris and la Prune de l'Aube to offer you a skin revolution to take care of your facial skin, moisturize and nourish it. These 2 facial treatments with exceptional synergy offer dual action and target all layers of the skin for increased effectiveness on the signs of aging and hydration.

On the In side, treat yourself to delicious blackcurrant flavored chewable tablets with Absolu+ Young by Reborn Paris. At the service of your youth, a high-quality natural and vegan hyaluronic acid with scientifically proven effectiveness: ExceptionHYAL® Star . A name that reflects its exceptional benefits for the face: -18.8% wrinkle depth in just 28 days of treatment and +10.6% hydration

* According to a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study on 60 women, 200 mg/day of ExceptionHYAL® star, 28 days.

On the Out side, let yourself be transported by the light and irresistible texture of a non-greasy oil elegantly combining sensoriality and effectiveness: L' Huile Initiale by La Prune de L'Aube. The delicate natural scent of plum kernels of this oil is only the reflection of a composition 100% based on plums from French orchards, rich in vitamins and nutrients. 100% of those surveyed found their skin softer , better nourished and hydrated after using cosmetic treatment oil . Real skin regeneration for 95% of them.

* Clinical study carried out on a panel - all skin types - measured by Primos 3D Lite

Your perfect rejuvenation treatment to target your hydration and your wrinkles whatever your skin type, here it is: Absolu+ Young (Reborn Paris brand) x L'Huile Initiale (La Prune de l'Aube brand). 2 quality treatments, clean, vegan, eco-designed and made in France with clinically proven benefits to hydrate and rejuvenate your skin. What more ?

In & Out is a revolution. It is a way of life in which the well-being of body and mind is a vector of beauty. Food in particular is our first medicine and food supplements provide support to promote beauty from the inside, deep, progressive and lasting. Supplemented with cosmetics, the effectiveness accelerates and unfolds to offer you the rapid arrival of beauty to which you have always aspired.

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