Reaching the heights of beauty , isn’t that the ultimate goal of everyone? Creams , lotions , serums , have you tried everything and yet nothing really works for you? There's no point in having a perfect beauty routine if you don't include the 6 steps we're going to tell you about in this article. You probably hadn't imagined the impact on your skin if you don't adopt these little habits .

Step #1: Shower in the evening and wash pillowcases weekly
What a joy to bury your head in the softness of the pillow after a hard day at work... But are you more of a shower team in the morning or a shower team in the evening ?
Let's put ourselves in the shoes of people for whom showering is a morning habit. You leave clean and sharp for work. When you come home from this day of work, you must have sweated a little. Your face , body and hair have captured surrounding dust and pollution as well as many other impurities . Natural skin reaction: you have secreted sebum . When you arrive home, you only want to throw yourself into the arms of Morpheus . Neither one nor two, your body is under the sheets, your head in the hollow of the pillow . This delicious contact is also the generous opportunity to donate to your bedding the cocktail of dirt accumulated during the day. The operation repeating itself day after day, imagine the state of cleanliness of your pillow ... If you looked at it under a microscope, you wouldn't even dare to sleep on it. Especially since in addition to everything you collect outside your home, you yourself release more than 100L of sweat in your sheets during your sleep in one year, a real source of culture!
Firstly, it is therefore strongly recommended to wash your body and face in the evening to get rid of all impurities so as not to dirty your bed linen .
It is also recommended to change the pillowcases 1 to 2 times a week for perfect hygiene which will be reflected on your skin . For sheets , washing every 2 weeks will be ideal.
Action no. 2: A dedicated towel for your face, regularly changed
The skin on your face is thinner and more delicate than that of your body , so it deserves more attention and a dedicated towel. Let's not mix all the different bacterial flora that inhabit your body!
The role of a towel being to absorb water , it is therefore damp in an area - the bathroom - which is also damp . And humidity is the main playground for bacteria and fungi . A towel that smells damp should be washed immediately. But be careful, conversely, even if it seems clean to you, the microscopic reality is quite different. After 3 uses, it is considered dirty, full of dust , bacteria , perspiration , saliva , cosmetic residue , mites , hair , etc. It is therefore necessary to machine wash it at 60°C to eradicate bacteria while preserving the laundry . Use an antibacterial detergent and fabric softener for a soft towel that won't irritate your face .
A little tip is to choose light-colored towels to identify dirt more quickly and avoid using a towel that is not clean .
Drying the towel after showering is a key step in maintaining its cleanliness . Once used, it must be spread on a towel rack cleaned every week. Be careful, however, not to put it on a radiator because this will reduce the diffusion of heat in the room, which will fill it with dust . Putting it in a ball or on the ground is absolutely the worst thing to do and opens the door to all impurities .
Yes, the purity of your skin depends on the cleanliness of your towel !
Step #3: Wash your scarves, hats, hats and caps
You wear them on your head , around your neck ... They are in direct contact with your skin , I named them: accessories ! Scarves , beanies , hats , caps , etc. They are beautiful , they keep warm ! But they are also dust nests and bacteria traps sprinkled with a hint of pollution . They take great pleasure in applying this dubious mixture of impurities to your skin . Come on, be honest with yourself... When was the last time you washed your favorite scarf ? A simple gesture that does good for your skin!
Step #4: Clean your makeup brushes
The makeup brush spends a large part of its life in a pot , in the open air, exposed to all surrounding impurities . From bacteria to dust , it absorbs everything that passes. You then arrive all dapper with the desire to look beautiful , and you pay him a little attention. You grab it and dip it into your powder palette . At this point, you have already contaminated your palette. Then you apply the powder to your face, you are the one who is contaminated . If you apply makeup on uncleansed skin , then there is cross- contamination because your brush then collects sebum , sweat and bacteria. As applications progress, the situation becomes catastrophic because more and more dirt accumulates on the brush , the palette and the face .
The only solution is to clean your brush before and after each use with a special anti-bacterial product and to wash it regularly with soap and water. It's so simple and so beneficial for your skin ! The best thing is not to use makeup every day, at REBORN we advocate natural beauty .
Step #5: Ventilate
During this pandemic period that we have been going through, we have been told over and over again to ventilate regularly to renew the air and chase away the "coconut", this nasty and yet so famous virus. This practice should not be banned once the health situation is restored, quite the contrary! It is to be anchored in your good habits . Indeed, the air inside apartments and houses is generally very polluted , filled with droplets of saliva , bacteria , dust , etc. Air mixing is therefore essential. Fresh air for fresh skin!
Action #6: Clean your phone
We saved the best for last, the worst of the worst for your skin: your cell phone . You put it down and use it anywhere and anytime: in the office , on public transport , when you eat and even for some when you are in the toilet . If we look at your cell phone under a microscope, there must surely be more bacteria than human beings on planet earth. Imagine that each of these bacteria is actually a straw. Your screen is then completely glittery. Oh your phone is ringing! You pick up [you have glitter on your fingers]. You bring your cell phone to your ear [you have glitter on your ear and all over your cheek]. You hang up [hop, glitter on your fingers again]. You touch your face with your fingers [your face is filled with glitter]. With this analogy, yes you have a glowy complexion and you shine brightly ! But without this analogy, the reality is that your skin is simply invaded by an army of enemy microbes , so numerous that it can do nothing against them. These hostile fighters come to conquer your pores , clog them and create the dreaded skin imperfections.
To combat imperfections , there's nothing better than cleaning your phone every day with a wipe or cloth soaked in water. Clear phone, clear skin!
Having beautiful skin does not only depend on the cosmetics you apply or the nutricosmetics you ingest. Skin beauty is directly linked to our healthy lifestyle and the regular cleaning of all elements that regularly come into contact with our skin: pillows, towels, hats, scarves, surrounding air, cell phones, etc. A more resistant skin barrier can also be a good solution: our Gold & Glow gummies act as a real urban shield to protect your skin against pollution, bacteria and other attacks. Perfect skin is within reach!