Hormones have taken over your body and mind to rule them. A real bodily dictatorship! Your hair is not left out since its life cycle is hormone-dependent. But how do these authoritarian molecules achieve their ends? How do they manage to enforce their rules? What if understanding these figures of physiological authority allowed you to overthrow the hormonal government in place to gain the upper hand? Would you finally be masters of our hair destiny: tragic end or happy ending? It's up to you to decide the fate of your beautiful mane !

I. Perfect hair knowledge of hormones gives them full power
Your hair is the little disciples of your hormones . The latter know all the workings, from physiology to the life cycle, to better tame them.
They know that hair , like a living organism, is born and grows . Then its growth stops and it gradually dies out.
This life cycle results in 3 phases:
1) The anagen phase : Hair grows 13 cm/year. This phase lasts 2 to 6 years.
2) The catagen phase : The hair stops growing. This phase lasts 2 to 4 weeks.
3) The telogen phase : The hair falls out . This phase lasts 3 to 4 months.
This development is normal and hair loss is ultimately just a natural mechanism for fiber renewal with 60 to 100 hairs lost per day. As long as this loss is stable , there is no cause for alarm; it is when it accelerates that we should be concerned.
This is where hormones come to add their little grain of salt... They love to play on the different phases of hair life and their speeds .
They each have their very specific role and it is thanks to their ability to complement each other perfectly in a subtle balance that they manage to skillfully lead the game.
II. The composition of the hormonal government governs the loss of your hair
Honor to women, first presenting the female hormones : estrogens which are fortunate to include among them the famous progesterone . These dear molecular ladies are fond of Rapunse fashionable hair and prolong the anagen phase as they wish so that you have long hair resplendent with health .
Where are the machos and their cult phrase “ Woman at the wheel, dead at the corner”? because when female hormones take control of the bodily vehicle, everything is fine! The same cannot be said of male hormones , androgens, which include the famous testosterone . When these masculine molecules , hungry for thrills, take control of the hair cycle , they can't help but speed it up! The result is hair that ages faster than light and falls out without having had time to live well. This can be explained scientifically.
Testosterone will bind to androgen receptors at the level of the dermal papilla , the biological engine of hair which is located at its base. There it is transformed into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). If there is too much testosterone , there will be too much DHT and that poses a problem. The latter attacks the hair follicle which causes the hair to age prematurely . Its life cycle accelerates, it no longer has time to grow properly. It becomes thin and fragile until it no longer grows at all.
Ladies and gentlemen, know that you all have male and female hormones, but in different proportions.
As you can easily guess, women have more estrogen , which is why their hair grows faster and they are less affected by androgenic ( hormonal ) baldness. But as they undergo numerous hormonal disturbances during their lives, they still find themselves confronted with hormonal hair loss.
In men, testosterone dominates and influences the hair cycle, further predisposing them to baldness .
Your mission, if you accept it, is to maintain these proportions defined by your gender for optimal hair health. Be careful though, the path is strewn with pitfalls and any imbalance leads to chaos. Impossible mission ?
III. The hormonal roller coaster responsible for androgenic alopecia in men and women.
AT MEN'SThe bald head ? This is a common phenomenon among men ! Much more than being associated with age , this phenomenon is above all hormonal and hereditary since 97% of hair loss in men is of androgenic origin, that is to say linked to an excess of male hormones . , testosterone in particular. And this excess is hereditary ! From the age of 20, the first effects of this hormonal imbalance appear. First, the temporal gulfs become bare . Then it's the turn of the top of the head starting from the back to gradually thin out . Without treatment, hair disappears gradually and diffusely from the entire scalp and never grows back .
Many people think they can do nothing but the key is to act quickly to delay this loss of hair as much as possible while limiting the aggravating factors. To do this, there is nothing better than acting deeply from within with a varied and balanced diet. Food supplements also prove to be an excellent solution . Thanks to an additional supply of vitamins , minerals , plants and even probiotics , hair can be considerably strengthened to be more resistant to loss and its growth can be boosted. Absolu+ Hair is the most effective nutricosmetic solution on the market with an observed effectiveness of -50% hair loss in 12 weeks! In combination with Hair & Nails and its phenomenal growth booster effect, it is possible to effectively combat baldness .
AMONG WOMEN15 to 20% of hair loss in women is caused by hormonal imbalance . This partial damage to the scalp is called androgenic alopecia. For what ? Because estrogen levels fluctuate throughout a woman 's life so that androgens sometimes take over. The anagen phase is shortened and there is shorter , finer and more fragile hair that goes through the hair cycle more quickly until it falls out. This fall leads to a widening of the central parting on the top of the head . The hair mass is refined at the temples and around the ears and the top of the skull becomes sparse .
3 hormonal periods are decisive for the hair cycle :
1) Menstruation
- During the period of ovulation , in the middle of the menstrual cycle , energy reserves are overflowing and concentration is maximum. The skin is perfectly smooth and the hair soft and shiny . What a beautiful period of peace and osmosis between the hormonal authorities and your hair people. Estrogen levels, your hair 's “ friendly ” hormones , have reached peak levels to magnify your hair and stimulate its growth .
- A few days before the start of the period , once ovulation has passed , it is the beginning of decline. Estrogens lose their presence as do their incredible benefits : energy is reduced, skin and hair become greasy .
- During menstruation , the presence of angelic estrogens is similar to the presence of employees in the middle of August: there is almost no one there! The evil androgens take advantage of this to take over and weaken , dry out and break the hair . Result ? No more hair on the brush, cushions and clothes!
In case of excessive hair loss during periods , you must act! Check with your doctor or gynecologist that your method of contraception does not accentuate hormonal imbalance . Also, take particular care of your hair during this critical period: avoid attacks such as heat when drying or straightening , hair coloring , tobacco and use strengthening masks. Food supplements based on saffron , a hormonal balancer with scientifically proven effectiveness, can prove to be very useful. You can find some by clicking here .
2) Pregnancy
It is often said that pregnancy makes you more beautiful , and for good reason! Female hormones are in full swing and make your skin and hair happy . Your mane is thick , shiny and strong , the dream!
Unfortunately, the situation quickly turns into a hair nightmare with childbirth which completely unbalances the hormones. The meteoric rise of estrogen-progestin hormones during the third trimester of pregnancy is nothing more than a distant memory and they are then in total free fall .
Thus, a third of women suffer from massive hair loss postpartum , 2 to 4 months after giving birth . This type of diffuse alopecia is called postpartum telogen effluvium .
A pleasant time for mothers who must, in this overwhelming, exhausting and emotional period, face a most unsightly attack.
The solution is obviously to remedy this hormonal drop caused by childbirth with hormonal balancers such as saffron mentioned above or with hops , alfalfa , flaxseed and sage . Group B vitamins , which are extremely required by the fetus during pregnancy, are also interesting to provide. Finally, stress and fatigue are aggravating factors for alopecia , so it is better to rest and relax the body and mind . Here too saffron can prove to be of great help, but also vitamins C and D. Find the perfect alliance between saffron and vitamins B, C and D for optimal postpartum recovery here .
3) Menopause
At menopause and even 4 or 5 years before , estrogens drop by -80% and androgens only by 10 to 30%. As a result, a hormonal imbalance deepens. The beneficial hair hormones are no longer powerful and numerous enough to counterbalance the harmful effects of DHT on the hair fiber which weakens , becomes thinner and grows less and less quickly or not at all. Some women lose up to 2/3 of their hair ! Alopecia that rivals the other symptoms of menopause : hot flashes, headaches, sleep problems, anxiety, etc.
Hormonal balance is crucial for maintaining healthy hair. The slightest disruption in estrogen and androgen ratios can cause significant hair damage. Food supplements help strengthen hair and promote its anchoring to reduce hair loss. They help stimulate hair growth for longer, fuller, fuller hair. Our medical advisor, an aesthetic doctor specializing in hair transplantation, has developed 2 exceptional products to give your hair a second life: Absolu+ Hair and Hair & Nails .
But nutritional supplements also find their usefulness by acting on the very causes of hair loss, namely hormonal imbalance, stress, fatigue, deficiencies, etc. Thus, Life & Balance gummies contain an exceptional active ingredient, saffron. The latter helps maintain hormonal and emotional balance to prevent androgenic alopecia and stress. The vitamins contained in gummies also help reduce fatigue and prevent any deficiency. Free yourself from the control your hormones have over you by harnessing the power of food supplements!