Le bien-être féminin, un nouvel engagement pour REBORN

Feminine well-being, a new commitment for REBORN

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After the exclusive release of our new product LIFE & BALANCE, we would like to return to our commitments and the wishes that accompany this development. What if we talked about premenstrual syndrome? What if we talked about women's comfort, intimacy and breaking the still existing taboo around periods? Periods constitute approximately 6 days per month for the majority of women. They lead to constraints that are sometimes difficult to manage, to express, to confide, to testify and which many are still unaware of. Premenstrual syndrome, let’s talk about it!

What is premenstrual syndrome (PMS)? Why is PMS a taboo? What are the repercussions, the evils? What solutions to relieve it?

What exactly is premenstrual syndrome?

Named by Katharina Dorothée Kuipers Dalton, doctor, premenstrual syndrome corresponds to all the symptoms that a third of women experience a few days before the start of their period: fatigue, nausea, headaches, pain and swelling of the chest, skin problems , mood changes, temporary depression. It is a combination of physical and neuropsychological symptoms. The symptoms vary greatly from one cycle to another, from one woman to another and are therefore difficult to treat correctly over time.

To speak science, PMS is caused by an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone. Today, between 80 and 90% of menstruating women suffer from PMS. However, extreme forms of PMS are less common but still present. We can then talk about PMDD, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, which affects 3 to 8% of women. This variant is an increased PMS which causes mood disorders, anxiety concerns among other symptoms.

According to gynecology doctor Claude Jacquet: “All women suffer more or less from premenstrual symptoms. A syndrome is a set of symptoms. Women describe different symptoms such as behavioral problems, irritation, lack of interest.”

What if we talked about it a little more?

Talking about it more would allow a large number of women who suffer to know how to identify PMS. Many people simply think they suffer from period pain and few will go so far as to treat their PMS. Pain that ends up being accepted and sudden despite the density of the pain. We quickly identify a form of shame, of embarrassment, which must stop. Suffering in silence is not an option and yet the insistent taboo on periods makes it almost an obligation for most victims. A suffering that sometimes goes as far as my menopause... I might as well tell you that these years of suffering are a torture that we would not wish on anyone.

It is important to no longer trivialize the symptoms linked to the cycle, and to become aware of PMS and the suffering associated with it.

Learn a little more about the symptoms of PMS...to treat it accordingly

  • Sensitive breasts
  • Bloating, water retention
  • Muscle aches
  • Joint pain
  • Headache
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Lower back pain
  • Hot flashes
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Lack of energy
  • Severe fatigue
  • Decreased libido
  • Appetite changes
  • Cravings
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Sadness
  • Excessive crying
  • Anger
  • Solitude
  • Temporary depression
  • Mood disorders

Yes, the list is long...and some may experience all or most of the symptoms from 14 days after ovulation until the start of their period. If you experience symptoms listed above, here's how to identify and treat your PMS.

Keep a menstrual diary

This diary will help your doctor, gynecologist, establish the link with your own premenstrual symptom to best relieve it. Write down your symptoms, the dates you experience them, and the times of day when they are most felt.

How to manage your PMS?

  1. Lead a healthy lifestyle: Consider adopting a better diet, rich in vitamins and Zinc.
  2. Increase sports activities, do sports regularly
  3. Reduce your consumption of salt, alcohol, caffeine.
  4. Increase fiber and fluids.
  5. Don't neglect your sleep.
  6. Focus on techniques that reduce your stress and make you feel good
  7. Opt for dietary supplement cures to support you, to provide you with what you need to fill deficiencies. Life & Balance has probiotics and adaptogens that will act on your physical and neuropsychological symptoms.
  8. Consult your doctor in case of changes
  9. Talk about it to those around you! Seek help if you have severe PMS.

Being aware of the seriousness of certain PMS and all the constraints linked to the female cycle, REBORN has mobilized to innovate and release a unique product on the market. First gummy that accompanies all women in this fight. A treatment that encourages you to think about yourself and do what is necessary for your comfort. Our commitments are real and we hope that many women will feel soothed thanks to this new treatment.

Visit our Instagram @myreborn_paris for more information on this new product !

Order your cure in advance: https://www.reborn.paris/collections/bien-etre-du-cycle-feminin/products/cure-reborn-life-and-balance-1-mois-1-flacon

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The model measure I saw Gail Dines converse, at a convention in Boston, she moved the audience to tears with her description of the problems caused by means of obscenity, and provoked chortling with her spicy observations upon pornographers themselves. Activists in the audience were newly inspired, and men at the end – many of whom had not viewed smut as a complication in advance of – queued up afterwards to guaranty their support. The mise en scene highlighted Dines’s explosive charisma and the factually that, since the expiry of Andrea Dworkin, she has risen to that most difficult and exciting of conspicuous roles: the elated’s foremost anti-pornography campaigner.


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