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Purificateur de peau

Peau Nette Peau Saine Peau Équilibrée

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  • Chewable tablets without sugar
  • Natural pear flavor
  • Ultraconcentrated plant extracts
  • For clear, healthy-looking skin without imperfections
  • Formulated by a doctor

We deliver all over the world.

France :

Delivery in France and mainland France is free from 54€ of purchase.

Dom Tom :

For an order of less than €35.00, the delivery costs are €4.95.

For an order between €35.01 - €80.00 the delivery costs are €9.90.

For an order over €80.00 the delivery costs are €11.90.

Europe :

For an order of less than €35.00, the delivery costs are €6.00.

For an order between €35.01 - €80.00 the delivery costs are €7.00.

For an order over €80.00 the delivery costs are €9.90.

Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria:

For an order of less than €60.00, the delivery costs are €9.90.

For an order over €60.00 the delivery costs are €14.90.

Do not hesitate to contact us for a specific rate.


Reborn offers you different solutions to pay for your order. All of these payment methods are secure and at no additional cost:

  • Bank card: Visa, MasterCard American Express and Carte Bleue.
  • PayPal, pay in one go or 4 installments from 30€ of purchase
  • Scalapay, pay your order in 3 or 4 installments!
Pot en PET recyclables avec bouchon en aluminium contenant 60 comprimés à croquer saveur naturelle poire à la couleur verte naturelle pour une peau nette sans imperfections
Cure anti imperfections made in france dans un packaging vert écoresponsable.
Un complément alimentaire qui réduit les problèmes de peau pour une peau nette, désincruste les pores de l&
Des comprimés avec un colorant naturel vert à base de spiruline et de carthame. Compatibles avec les régimes végétariens et vegans. Formulé par un médecin. Sans additifs controversés, sans ogm, sans dioxide de titane, sans gluten, sans lactose. Utilisation de la phytothérapie avec de la bardane, de la pensée sauvage et du melon. Sans sucres. Gourmandise saine.
Etui vert imprimé avec des encres végétales certifié FSC issu de forêts durablement gérées renfermant un pot fermé d&
femme tenant une boîte verte de compléments alimentaires Absolu Pure pour lutter contre ses boutons
Etiquette d&
Associer les gummies vegan gold & glow avec les compléments à croquer sans sucres Absolu Pure permet d&
Delivery within 48 working hours
Free delivery in mainland France from 54€ purchase
Pay in installments with Paypal and Scalapay
Customer service at your service

✓ Personnes avec une peau sensible, grasse ou sèche
✓ Personnes avec des problèmes de peau : points noirs, acné, eczéma, dermatite atopique, psoriasis...
✓ Personnes présentant des lésions ou des cicactrices
✓ Personnes avec des tâches pigmentaires
✓ Personnes utilisant des cosmétiques agressifs avec de l'alcool ou des conservateurs
✓ Personnes exposées aux UVs, à la chaleur, à la pollution, au vent, etc.
✓ Personnes présentant des imperfections en périodes hormonales

Purificateur de Peau : Peau Nette - Saine - Equilibrée

Et si la nature rendait votre peau plus pure ? Découvrez Absolu Pure et le bonheur d'embellir votre peau depuis l'intérieur.

Etape 1 : Succombez à son irrésistible saveur fruitée de poire.
Etape 2 : Laissez la magie opérer et les extraits végétaux libérer efficacement leur pouvoir nettoyant, désincrustant, équilibrant et protecteur.
Etape 3 : Appréciez la séduisante pureté de votre peau nette, éclatante de santé, sans imperfections ni le moindre défaut. 

Des Comprimés aux Bienfaits Cutanés Inégalés

  • Réduit les problèmes de peau pour une peau nette.
  • Estompe les cicatrices et lésions laissées par l'acné
  • Régulation de la production de sébum en cas de peau sèche ou de peau grasse.
  • Sublime la beauté de la peau.
  • Maintient et améliore de la santé de la peau pour une peau saine depuis l'intérieur.
  • Diminue la sensibilité de la peau aux agressions environnementales (soleil, pollution, etc).
  • Améliore les mécanismes naturels de défense de la peau (antioxydants, anti-inflammatoires, microbiote cutané). 
  • Protège de la déshydratation cutanée
Actifs Pour 2 comprimés
SOD B Primo-antioxidant® jus de melon concentré en SOD 10 mg
Extrait sec 4/1 de racine de bardane 210 mg d'extrait équivalent à 840 mg de racine
Extrait sec 4/1de fleur de pensée sauvage  37,5mg d'extrait équivalent à 150 mg de fleurs
Bifidobacterium breve 100 Mds AFU*/g 50 mg soit 5 Mds de ferments lactiques
Lactobacillus plantarum 100 Mds AFU*/g 50 mg soit 5 Mds de ferments lactiques
Zinc citrate dihydrate 1,5mg (15% AR**)

*AFU : Active Fluorescent Units
**AR : Apports de référence

LA LISTE COMPLÈTE DES INGRÉDIENTS : Édulcorants : xylitol et sorbitol, extrait de racine de bardane (Arctium lappa), extrait de pétale de carthame (Carthamus tinctorius) et extrait de spiruline (Spirulina platensis), arôme naturel de poire, souche tyndalisée de Bifidobacterium breve, souche tyndalisée de Lactobacillus plantarum, extrait de partie aérienne de pensée sauvage (Viola tricolor), antiagglomérant : sels de magnésium d'acides gras, SOD B Primo-antioxidant® M : jus de melon (Cucumis melo L.) concentré en SuperOxide Dismutase (SOD), citrate de zinc, édulcorant : sucralose. Plantes : origine Europe et hors Europe. Primo-antioxidant® est une marque de BIONOV.

✓ Combien ? 2 comprimés par jour.

✓ Quand ? A n’importe quel moment de la journée : au cours d’un repas ou en grignotage.

✓ Combien de temps ? 3 mois à renouveler 1 à 2 fois par an.

✓ Promesses ? De premiers résultats le premier mois. Des résultats optimaux au bout de 3 mois.*

*Les résultats peuvent varier d’une personne à l’autre.

✓ Ne se substitue pas à une alimentation variée et un mode de vie sain.

✓ Ne pas dépasser la dose journalière recommandée.

✓ A conserver au frais, au sec et à l'abri de la lumière.

✓ Tenir hors de la portée des jeunes enfants.

✓ Déconseillé aux personnes immunodéprimées.

✓ Une consommation excessive peut avoir des effets laxatifs.

✓ Déconseillé en cas d’allergie croisée connue, en particulier aux plantes de la famille des Asteraceae et en cas d’allergie aux dérivés salicylés.

✓ Déconseillé en cas de traitement concomitant par un médicament diurétique.

✓ Réservé aux adultes.

✓ Déconseillé aux femmes enceintes ou allaitantes.

Pour enlever les taches laissées par les cicatrices d'acné, vous pouvez compléter Absolu Pure avec notre complément à croquer Absolu+ White (ici).

Economisez jusqu'à -28.8€ en composant votre pack de 2 à 6 produits en cliquant ici.



People with sensitive, oily or dry skin
People with skin problems: blackheads, acne, eczema, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis...
People with lesions or scars
✓People with pigment spots
✓People who use aggressive cosmetics with alcohol or preservatives
✓People exposed to UVs, heat, pollution, wind, etc.
✓People with hormonal imperfections


Skin Purifier: Clear - Healthy - Balanced Skin

And if the nature made your skin more pure? Discover Absolute Pure and the happiness of beautify your skin from the inside.

Step 1: Succumb to its irresistible fruity pear flavor.

Step 2: Let the magic happen and the plant extracts effectively unleash their power cleanser,scrubbing,balancing and protective.

Step 3: Enjoy the seductive purity of your clear skin, bursting with health,without imperfections nor the slightest fault.


Tablets with Unparalleled Skin Benefits

  • Reduces the skin problems for a clear skin.
  • Blur them scars and lesions left by acne
  • Regulation of the sebum production in case of dry skin or oily skin.
  • Sublime it beauty of the skin.
  • Maintains and improves health skin for skin healthy from the inside.
  • Decrease the sensitivity of the skin to environmental attacks (sun, pollution, etc.).
  • Improve the natural mechanisms skin defense (antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, skin microbiota).
  • Protects against skin dehydration


AssetsFor 2 tablets
SOD B Primo-antioxidant® melon juice concentrated in SOD10 mg
Dry extract 4/1 of burdock root210 mg of extract equivalent to 840 mg of root
Dry extract 4/1 of wild pansy flower37.5 mg of extract equivalent to 150 mg of flowers
Bifidobacterium breve 100 billion AFU*/g50 mg or 5 billion of lactic ferments
Lactobacillus plantarum 100 billion AFU*/g50 mg or 5 billion of lactic ferments
Zinc citrate dihydrate1.5 mg (15% AR**)

*AFU: Active Fluorescent Units

**AR: Reference intakes

THE FULL LIST OF INGREDIENTS: Sweeteners: xylitol and sorbitol, burdock root extract (Arctium lappa), safflower petal extract (Carthamus tinctorius) and spirulina extract (Spirulina platensis), natural pear flavour, tyndalised strain of Bifidobacterium breve, tyndalised strain of Lactobacillus plantarum, extract of wild pansy aerial part (Viola tricolor), anti-caking agent: magnesium salts of fatty acids, SOD B Primo-antioxidant® M: melon juice (Cucumis melo L. ) concentrated in SuperOxide Dismutase (SOD), zinc citrate, sweetener: sucralose. Plants: European and non-European origin. Primo-antioxidant® is a trademark of BIONOV.


✓ How much? 2 tablets per day.

✓ When? At any time of the day: during a meal or as a snack.

✓ How long? 3 months to be renewed 1 to 2 times a year.

✓ Promises? First results in the first month. Optimal results after 3 months*.

*Results may vary from person to person.


Does not replace a varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

Store in a cool, dry place and away from light.

Keep out of reach of young children.

Not recommended for immunocompromised people.

Excess use may result in laxative effects.

Not recommended in cases of known cross-allergy, in particular to plants of the Asteraceae family and in cases of allergy to salicylate derivatives.

Not recommended in case of concomitant treatment with a diuretic medication.

Reserved for adults.

Not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women.


For remove spots left by acne scars, you can supplement Absolu Pure with our chewable supplement Absolu+ White (here) .

Save up to -28.8€ by putting together your pack of 2 to 6 products by clicking here.

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Questions about this product?

ABSOLUTE PURE : what is it?

It is a course of food supplements in the form of fruity, Pear-flavored chewable tablets which allows you to have clear, healthy and balanced skin.

What are the benefits of ABSOLUTE PURE ?

Absolu+ Pure helps to rid the skin of all its imperfections and defects:

- Maintain and improve skin health , for healthy skin from the inside out

- Reduced skin sensitivity to environmental aggressions (UVs)

-Improvement of the skin's natural defense mechanisms:

  • increase in endogenous antioxidant enzymes
  • reduction of pro-inflammatory molecules in favor of those with anti-inflammatory properties
  • rebalancing of the skin microbiota

- Photo-protection against transepidermal water loss ( dehydration )

- Reduction of skin problems for clear skin: blackheads, acne, eczema, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, spots...

- Fade of scars and lesions

- Regulation of sebum production in case of dry or oily skin

- Improved skin appearance : clarity, shine, elasticity, hydration, youthfulness

What is the difference with Gold & Glow?

Gold & Glow is like a day cream to enjoy. Its action is global.

On the other hand, Absolu+ Pure is more like a serum that targets a specific problem: skin imperfections.

So, it may be interesting to combine the two to improve your skin overall while targeting what is causing you problems.

What is the difference with Absolu+ White?

Absolu+ Pure specifically targets skin problems while this is just a "bonus" effect for Absolu+ White which was initially designed to reduce hyperpigmentation problems.

Can I combine Absolu PURE and Gold & Glow?

Yes of course, they were designed to be combined without risk. They are also very complementary.

How many tablets should I take per day and at what time of the day?

The indicated dose is 3 chewable tablets per day, at any time of the day, during a meal or as a snack.

How long does it take to see the first results?

This varies greatly depending on the user. The first effects can be seen from the first month of taking it. As with all supplements, 3 months of treatment (~4 jars) are necessary for optimal results.

Is the treatment effective on all skin types?

Yes, the treatment is effective on all skin types, whether adolescent or more mature skin.

Is the product suitable for children and adolescents?

As with all food supplements, Absolu+ Pure should be kept out of the reach of young children. For children, it is advisable to seek advice from a health professional before taking any supplement. There are no contraindications to consumption for adolescents.

Is it suitable for both men and women?

Yes, our product works equally well on men and women.

ABSOLUTE PURE : Is it suitable for acne?

Yes, the product can be of great help with acne by regulating sebum production and helping the skin to better defend itself against acne-causing bacteria.

They adopted it!

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews

pear flavored tablets produce sebum, enhance the beauty of the skin, reduce imperfections and provide balance and protection.

I love their smell and their very present pear taste. After three weeks, I noticed a clear improvement in the quality of my skin: fewer imperfections and redness, a real sebum regulating effect, clearer and healthier skin. This program is a little nugget that has done a world of good for my skin, which is prone to hormonal imperfections.

Hello Audrey. We thank you for this more than complete and above all very positive review! Thank you a thousand times and have a very nice day :)

Raphaelle Turpin

Thanks to the chewable tablets from the Reborn Paris brand, my skin texture is unified and purified. I feel much healthier.

nalin katia

I have much fewer imperfections, the sebum has disappeared, my skin is clear, smooth, healthier, much less sensitive, the skin texture is refined.

Marion Laurent

I have tested several of their ranges, and honestly I am very happy with them, for the absolute pure range, I have practically no more spots (except during periods), my skin is much better!

It is sent quickly and carefully!

Thank you 🏼

sarah palma

I discovered reborn Paris a little over a month ago. I tested 3 of their hair birth treatments, absolute pure and eyes and contour. My hair and nails are stronger and my skin is less oily and clearer. I recommend

We thank you very much for this positive feedback! See you soon ✨

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