For who ?
Precautions for use
Our Advice
✓ Réfractaires aux gélules
✓ Tous types de peaux
✓ Personnes exposées à la pollution des villes
✓ Personnes beaucoup exposées au soleil et à ses photodommages (métiers d'extérieur)
✓ Personnes aux peaux fragiles et sensibles
✓ Personnes sujettes aux problèmes de peau (boutons, tâches pigmentaires, dermatites atopiques, eczéma)
✓ Personnes à la peau sèche et déshydratée
✓ Personnes présentant les premiers signes cutanés de l'âge (perte de fermeté, tonicité,élasticité)
✓ Personnes au teint terne
Perfecteur de peau : Beauté - Lumière - Protection.
La peau parfaite n’est plus un mythe mais bien une réalité avec les gummies 100% vegan Gold and Glow. Dégustez ce cocktail d’antioxydants uniques à l'arôme naturel d'abricot et protégez votre peau contre les agressions qui l’abîment. Adieu imperfections, peau grasse, tâches et rides, place à une peau sublimée et à un teint glowy !
Des Gummies aux Bienfaits Cutanés Inégalés
N° 1 : Protection de la peau
- Protection contre le stress oxydatif causé par le soleil et la pollution à l'origine : de l'excès de sébum (peau grasse), des imperfections, des tâches brunes, des problèmes de peau, du vieillissement prématuré de la peau.
- Renforcement des défenses naturelles cutanées
N° 2 : Qualité de la Peau
Régénération de la peau pour un effet peau neuve
Stimulation de la synthèse du collagène pour une peau raffermie, tonique, élastique, hydratée et lissée.
N° 3 : Pigmentation de la peau
Pigmentation de la peau pour un effet peau de pêche et une bonne mine toute l'année
Actifs | Pour 2 gummies |
Extrait de pétale de rose | 50 mg |
Poudre de jus d'abricot | 15 mg |
Poudre de jus de carotte | 15 mg |
Extrait de dunaliella dont beta-carotène | 50 mg dont 5 mg (104% AR*) |
Vitamine B8 | 50 µg (100% AR*) |
Vitamine C | 12 mg (15% AR*) |
Vitamine E | 6 mg (50% AR*) |
Coenzyme Q10 | 2 mg |
Lactobacillus acidophilus | 1,8 Mds d'Unités Formant Colonie |
LA LISTE COMPLÈTE DES INGRÉDIENTS : Agent de charge : sirop de maltitol; Eau; Gélifiant : pectine de fruits; Acidifiant : acide citrique; Extrait de thalle de dunaliella (Dunaliella salina); Extrait de pétale de rosier à roses pâles (Rosa centifolia L.); Arôme naturel d'abricot; Correcteur d'acidité : citrate de sodium; Vitamine E (Acétate de D-alpha-tocophérol); Vitamine C (acide ascorbique); Poudre de jus de fruit d'abricot (Prunus armeniaca L.); Poudre de jus de racine de carotte (Daucus carota); Complexe gamma-cyclodextrine et coenzyme Q10; Probiotique : Lactobacillus acidophilus; Agents d'enrobage : cire de carnauba (Carnauba cera L.) et huile de tournesol (Helianthus Oleum L.); Vitamine B8 (Biotine).
✓ Combien ? 2 gummies par jour en une prise ou en prises séparées.
✓ Quand ? A n’importe quel moment de la journée : au cours d’un repas ou en grignotage.
✓ Combien de temps ? 3 mois à renouveler 1 à 2 fois par an.
✓ Promesses ? De premiers résultats le premier mois. Des résultats optimaux au bout de 3 mois*.
*Les résultats peuvent varier d’une personne à l’autre.
✓ Ne dispense pas d'une alimentation variée et équilibrée et d'un mode de vie sain.
✓ Ne pas dépasser la dose journalière recommandée.
✓ A conserver au frais, au sec et à l'abri de la lumière. Ce produit doit être conservé dans son emballage.
✓ Tenir hors de la portée des jeunes enfants.
✓ Demander conseil à un médecin ou pharmacien pour les femmes enceintes ou allaitantes.
✓ Déconseillé aux fumeurs.
✓ Une consommation excessive peut avoir des effets laxatifs.
✓ Ceci ne remplace pas l’application d’un écran protecteur.
- Vous avez le teint pâle ? Absolu Solar (ici) va raviver votre mine et activer votre bronzage !
- Vos imperfections vous gênent ? Absolu Pure (ici) va vous en débarrasser !
- Vous avez des problèmes d'hyperpigmentation, des tâches ? Absolu+ White (ici) va unifier votre teint !
- Vos rides vous gâchent la vie ? Absolu+ Young (ici) va rajeunir votre peau !
Economisez jusqu'à 28.8€ en composant votre pack de 2 à 6 produits en cliquant ici.
Complete the benefits
Perfect match

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ABSOLU + WHITE (-45% - Clearance)
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Proven results
Questions about this product?
GOLD & GLOW : What is it?
It is a course of food supplements in the form of Apricot flavor gummies for an overall skin perfecting effect.
What are the benefits of GOLD & GLOW ?
Gold & Glow has 3 main actions on the skin
- It protects the skin against oxidative stress
- caused by the sun and pollution in particular
- and which is the cause of many skin problems: excess sebum, oily skin, imperfections, premature aging of the skin, imperfections, pigment spots, etc.
- It visibly improves the quality of the skin for visibly more beautiful, younger skin and refined skin texture.
- It pigments the skin and gives it a healthy glow, a “made-up” effect without being so.
How is it different from chewable skin products?
Gold & Glow contains 9 ingredients which allow it to act globally on the skin to perfect it. It can be compared to a day cream.
Chewable skin tablets contain fewer active ingredients but more concentrated to target a specific skin problem , like a cosmetic serum:
- Absolu+ Solar acts as a sun preparer and protector and activates and accelerates tanning for an intense, sublime and uniform tan.
- Absolu+ White prevents the appearance of pigment spots while reducing those already present.
- Absolu+ Young acts on the signs of aging: wrinkles, fine lines, loss of elasticity and dehydration.
- Absolu Pure targets skin imperfections for flawless skin.
The ideal is to combine Gold & Glow with the Absolu formula that best suits your problem.
How many gummies should I take per day and at what time of the day?
The indicated dose is 2 gummies per day, at any time of the day, during a meal or as a snack.
How long does it take to see the first results?
This varies greatly depending on the user. The first effects can be seen from the first month of taking it . As with all supplements, 3 months of treatment (=3 jars) are necessary for optimal results.
Can we take the Gold and Glow treatment all year round?
The cure can be taken in summer and winter.
It should not be confused with Absolu Solar which has an action on tanning, which makes it a seasonal product.
Here, Gold & Glow can give a healthy glow and skin perfecting effect all year round.
Be careful though, the same course of food supplements cannot be taken continuously all year round. After a 3 month treatment, it is advisable to take a break of 2 to 3 months before starting a new treatment. During this "break" it is possible to take another food supplement with a different composition.
What does the term "Glow" mean?
Glow = shine
A so-called “Glowy” complexion means having a luminous, shiny, resplendent complexion.
Is the treatment effective on all skin types?
Yes, all skin types need to be nourished from within. This helps maintain and improve the health of the skin by protecting it while enhancing it.
Why is the product not recommended for smokers?
Gold & Glow contains beta-carotene which is a form of vitamin A.
Studies have shown that beta-carotene is susceptible to oxidation caused by the breakdown products of cigarette smoke.
When beta-carotene is oxidized, the body of people who smoke may have difficulty eliminating it and when it accumulates, it creates oxidative stress for the body which can worsen certain diseases such as lung cancer. in extreme cases.
The regulation of food supplements is very careful, which is why we are obliged to indicate this restriction, although the risk is actually very low.
Is the product suitable for children and adolescents?
As with all food supplements, especially gummies, it is recommended to keep Gold & Glow out of the reach of young children. On the other hand, for children and adolescents, there are no contraindications to taking the product. As a precautionary principle, we still recommend using this supplement only from the age of 15.
Can I put myself in danger by exposing myself to the sun right after taking the Gold and Glow treatment?
No, no more than usual. On the contrary, taking Gold and Glow will limit the dangers of sun exposure by preparing your skin to receive the sun. However, our product does not replace sunscreen.
Can the Gold and Glow treatment help me treat acne or other skin breakouts?
Thanks to its ingredients which are all antioxidants, Gold & Glow will protect the skin against oxidative stress and its consequences: excess sebum, dead skin and imperfections.
For a more advanced effect, we advise you to combine Gold & Glow with Absolu Pure, which will help unclog pores for clear, healthy and balanced skin.
However, this is not a treatment for acne, but a supplement. Please contact your referring doctor in case of severe acne.
Is Gold and Glow a self-tanner?
Gold and Glow is not a self-tanner (unlike Absolu Solar).
It is a skin perfector that protects the skin, improves its quality and brightens the complexion for a healthy-looking, “made-up” effect without being so.
Can the Gold and Glow cure reduce sun allergies?
Gold & Glow protects the skin against oxidative stress caused by the sun and associated damage.
It can therefore prevent the signs of lucite (sun allergy).
We remind you that Gold & Glow does not replace sunscreen.
Does the Gold and Glow treatment replace sunscreen?
Please note, Gold and Glow does not in any way replace sunscreen and other sun protection.
Although the treatment has a protective role from the inside, it remains complementary to the external veil of the sun cream which acts as a shield against the sun.
Is there an effect on tasks? Can this treatment cause them?
Gold and Glow tends to even out the complexion thanks to its regulatory role due in part to the cocktail of antioxidants it contains.
Thus, it reduces pigment spots. Be careful though, Gold and Glow is not a treatment for melasma.
For an intensified effect on pigment spots, it is recommended to use Absolu+ White, specially designed for this application.
Won't the product turn the skin orange?
Absolutely not ! The pigmenting effect of Gold & Glow adapts to the natural tone of your skin. It stimulates the synthesis of melanin naturally present in your body.
They adopted it!
For further
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