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ABSOLU + WHITE (-45% - Clearance)

Unificateur de teint

Unifie Lisse Embellit

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  • Chewable tablets without sugar
  • Natural frosted mint flavor
  • For a luminous, flawless complexion: uniform and smooth
  • Formulated by a doctor
  • On clearance : For optimal tasting, preferably consumed before 04/30/2024. This product can be consumed after this date. This practice is part of the new decree 2022-1440 against food waste.

We deliver all over the world.

France :

Delivery in France and mainland France is free from 54€ of purchase.

Dom Tom :

For an order of less than €35.00, the delivery costs are €4.95.

For an order between €35.01 - €80.00 the delivery costs are €9.90.

For an order over €80.00 the delivery costs are €11.90.

Europe :

For an order of less than €35.00, the delivery costs are €6.00.

For an order between €35.01 - €80.00 the delivery costs are €7.00.

For an order over €80.00 the delivery costs are €9.90.

Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria:

For an order of less than €60.00, the delivery costs are €9.90.

For an order over €60.00 the delivery costs are €14.90.

Do not hesitate to contact us for a specific rate.


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  • Bank card: Visa, MasterCard American Express and Carte Bleue.
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Pots et bouchons recyclables contenant 60 compléments à croquer saveur menthe givrer pour unifier le teint.
Cure de comprimés à croquer pour enlever les taches pigmentaires, les taches brunes et les taches de vieillesse et plus généralement pour lutter contre l&
Supplément à base d&
Suppléments à croquer bleus saveur végétariens et vegans. Formulés par un médecin. Arôme naturel de menthe. Colorants naturels. Sans sucres. A base de grenade blanche. Sans OGM. Sans dioxyde de titane.
Complément alimentaire dans un étui bleu certifié FSC et imprimé avec des encres végétales. Les comprimés sont dans un pot recyclable fermé par un bouchon aussi recyclable. Ce produit naturel est fabriqué en France dans une usine verte.
femme avec un comprimé à croquer contre l&
Etiquette de Absolu+ White, un complément alimentaire à base de pomewhite, de spiruline et de vitamine C avec édulcorants non controversés pour la beauté de la peau et un teint parfait et uniforme.
Pour agir en profondeur sur l&
Delivery within 48 working hours
Free delivery in mainland France from 54€ purchase
Pay in installments with Paypal and Scalapay
Customer service at your service


For who ?

People with sensitive skin

Person with uneven skin tone

People using harsh cosmetics containing alcohol or preservatives

✓People exposed to heat, UVs, wind, etc.

✓People with ageing skin


Complexion Unifier: Unifies - Smoothes - Beautifies.

Yourcomplexion is uneven, blurredand you havepigment spots installed? Reborn reveals the secrets of aperfect, uniform, smooth and flawless complexion with Absolu+White. Instantly refresh yourself and enjoy the long-lasting benefits of Absolu+ White on your complexion. These delicious chewable tablets, naturally flavored with frosty mint, act deep from the inside to specifically target your complexion and its heterogeneities. Have a luminous, radiant face and aflawless complexionwith thiscomplexion unifierto taste. Also works for the hands and neckline!

Fruity Tablets with Unparalleled Skin Benefits

  • For auniform complexion, without spots.
  • For more skinsmooth
  • For more skinbright
  • For visibly smoother skinbeautiful


AssetsFor 3 tablets
Pomewhite® (white pomegranate fruit extract)300 mg
Vitamin C48 mg (60% AR*)
Spirulina extract30 mg

*AR: Reference intakes

Pomewhite® is an ultra-concentrated extract of white pomegranate characterized by an immense richness in antioxidants. This ingredient, sustainably grown in the Mediterranean region, is not only innovative (we are the first and only to use it in France) but it has also demonstrated its effectiveness and assimilation in 1 clinical study and in an in vitro study.

FULL LIST OF INGREDIENTS: Sweeteners: xylitol and sorbitol, Pomewhite® (white pomegranate fruit extract (Punica granatum)), L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C), spirulina extract (Spirulina major), anti-caking agent: magnesium salts of fatty acids, natural mint flavour. White pomegranate from Europe.


✓ How much?3 tablets per day.

✓ When?At any time of the day: during a meal or as a snack.

✓ How long?3 months to be renewed 1 to 2 times a year.

✓ Promises?First results in the first month. Optimal results after 3 months.*

*Results may vary from person to person.

Precautions for use

Does not exempt you from a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

Store in a cool, dry place and away from light.

Keep out of reach of young children.

Not recommended for children.

Seek advice from a doctor or pharmacist for children, pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Excess use may result in laxative effects.

Our advice

If thecoloring your dark circles harms the uniformity of your complexion,complete your Absolu+ White treatment with our gummies Eye & Contour (here) to fade your signs of fatigue.

Forsmooth your skin even more, do not hesitate to take advantage of the -18.8% wrinkle depth offered by the vegan hyaluronic acid contained in our supplement Absolute+ Young(here) chewable blackcurrant flavor.

You want an effectglobal skin perfectorin addition to targeting your skin spots with Absolu+ White? So our gummies Gold & Glow (here) will serve as a day cream to enjoy


Save up to -28.8€ by putting together your pack of 2 to 6 products by clicking here.

✓ Personnes à la peau sensible
✓ Personne présentant un teint manquant d'uniformité
✓ Personnes utilisant des cosmétiques agressifs contenant de l'alcool ou des conservateurs
✓ Personnes exposées à la chaleur, aux UVs, au vent, etc.
✓ Personnes à la peau vieillissante

Unificateur de Teint : Unifie - Lisse - Embellit.

Votre teint est irrégulier, brouillé et vous avez des taches pigmentaires installées ? Reborn vous révèle les secrets d’un teint parfait, uniforme, lissé et sans défaut avec Absolu+White. Rafraîchissez-vous instantanément et savourez les bienfaits longue durée de l'Absolu+ White sur votre teint. Ces délicieux comprimés à croquer naturellement aromatisés à la menthe givrée viennent agir en profondeur depuis l'intérieur pour cibler spécifiquement votre teint et ses hétérogénéités. Arborez un visage lumineux, rayonnant et un teint zéro défaut avec cet unificateur de teint à déguster. Fonctionne aussi pour les mains et le décolleté !

Des Comprimés Fruités aux Bienfaits Cutanés Inégalés

  • Pour un teint uniforme, sans tâches.
  • Pour une peau plus lisse
  • Pour une peau plus lumineuse
  • Pour une peau visiblement plus belle
Actifs Pour 3 comprimés
Pomewhite® (extrait de fruit de grenade blanche) 300 mg
Vitamine C 48 mg (60% AR*)
Extrait de spiruline 30 mg

*AR : Apports de référence

Pomewhite® est un extrait ultra concentré de grenade blanche caractérisé par une immense richesse en antioxydants. Cet ingrédient cultivé durablement en région méditerranéenne est non seulement innovant (nous sommes les premiers et les seuls à l'utiliser en France) mais il a aussi démontré son efficacité et son assimilation dans 1 étude clinique et dans une étude in vitro.

LA LISTE COMPLÈTE DES INGRÉDIENTS : Édulcorants : xylitol et sorbitol, Pomewhite® (extrait de fruit de grenade blanche (Punica granatum)), acide L-ascorbique (vitamine C), extrait de spiruline (Spirulina major), antiagglomérant : sels de magnésium d’acide gras, arôme naturel de menthe. Grenade blanche origine Europe.

✓ Combien ? 3 comprimés par jour.

✓ Quand ? A n’importe quel moment de la journée : au cours d’un repas ou en grignotage.

✓ Combien de temps ? 3 mois à renouveler 1 à 2 fois par an.

✓ Promesses ?  De premiers résultats le premier mois. Des résultats optimaux au bout de 3 mois. *

*Les résultats peuvent varier d’une personne à l’autre.

✓ Ne dispense pas d'une alimentation variée et équilibrée et d'un mode de vie sain.

✓ Ne pas dépasser la dose journalière recommandée.

✓ A conserver au frais, au sec et à l'abri de la lumière.

✓ Tenir hors de la portée des jeunes enfants.

✓ Déconseillé aux enfants.

✓ Demander conseil à un pharmacien ou un médecin pour les enfants, les femmes enceintes ou les femmes allaitantes.

✓ Une consommation excessive peut avoir des effets laxatifs.

Si la coloration de vos cernes nuit à l'uniformité de votre teint, complétez votre cure Absolu+ White avec nos gummies Eye & Contour (ici) pour estomper vos marques de fatigue.

Pour lisser d'autant plus votre peau, n'hésitez pas à profiter des -18,8% de profondeur de rides qu'offre l'acide hyaluronique vegan contenu dans notre complément Absolu+ Young (ici) à croquer saveur cassis.

Vous souhaitez un effet perfecteur de peau global en plus de cibler vos taches cutanées avec Absolu+ White ? Alors nos gummies Gold & Glow (ici) feront office de crème de jour à déguster.

Economisez jusqu'à -28.8€ en composant votre pack de 2 à 6 produits en cliquant ici.

Complete the benefits

Perfect match

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gummies peau vegan saveur abricotCure de gummies pour une belle peau
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Questions about this product?

ABSOLUTE + WHITE: What is it?

It is a course of food supplements in the form of fruity chewable tablets with Ice Mint flavor which evens and brightens the complexion (spots, imperfections, lines and fine wrinkles).

What are the benefits of Absolu+ White?

Absolu+ White has been specifically designed to even out the complexion and in particular act on pigmentation disorders (brown spots, age spots, sun spots) . It will specifically target hyperpigmented cells to downregulate the synthesis of melanin (the pigment that colors the skin).

Absolu+ White also has bonus effects on:

- Skin problems by regulating the skin microbiota and sebum production and reducing inflammation. It can replace Absolu Pure if you don't like the taste or a contraindication prevents you from taking the product.

-The appearance and youthfulness of the skin by blurring lines and fine wrinkles and stimulating the formation of new blood vessels for better irrigation, nutrition and oxygenation of the skin. It can replace Absolu+ Young if you don't like the taste or a contraindication prevents you from taking the product.

What is the difference with Absolu Pure?

Absolu Pure targets skin imperfections in a global way for flawless skin: pimples, blackheads, acne, etc.

Absolu+ White has been designed to act specifically on hyperpigmentation and associated skin spots . Even though it has scientifically proven bonus effects on skin problems, this is not its main action.

However, it can easily replace Absolu Pure if you don't like its taste or if contraindications prevent you from consuming it.

Can I combine Absolu+ Solar and Absolu+ White?

Yes of course. One might believe that by taking Absolu+ Solar which stimulates melanin synthesis and Absolu+ White which downregulates melanin synthesis, the effects cancel each other out. In fact, Absolu+ White will only target hyperpigmented cells. Healthy cells will be able to tan healthily and will even be protected from future hyperpigmentation.

How many tablets should I take per day and at what time of the day?

The indicated dose is 3 chewable tablets per day, at any time of the day, during a meal or as a snack.

How long does it take to see the first results?

This varies greatly depending on the user. The first effects can be seen from the first month of taking it. According to clinical studies carried out on the main ingredient Pomewhite, visible results are observed from 8 weeks. As with all supplements, 3 months of treatment (~4 jars) are necessary for optimal results.

Is the product suitable for children and adolescents?

As with all food supplements, Absolu+ White should be kept out of the reach of young children. It is also not recommended for children. There are no contraindications to consumption for adolescents.

Is it suitable for both men and women?

Yes, our product works equally well on men and women.

Will I lose my tan if I consume the product?

No way ! White pomegranate acts on the regulation of melanin synthesis so that all cells in the body produce the same quantity of melanin for a uniform complexion, without pigment spots.

Absolu+White will therefore lighten pigment spots on your skin but will not remove your tan, it will only even it out.

Isn't it dangerous to affect melanin synthesis?

No, the ingredient used, white pomegranate, is 100% safe and has even been the subject of a safety study.

Can Absolu+ White replace a foundation?

If taken at a rate of 3 tablets per day for 12 weeks, Absolu+ White will help to even out your skin by removing pigment spots, imperfections and other skin defects, like a foundation. On the other hand, if you want the healthy glow effect provided by foundation, combine Absolu+White with Absolu Solar.

The product is sugar-free but what do we use instead? Aspartame?

No, our products are all without controversial additives! For the sweet taste, we use sorbitol and sucralose in compliance with the risk-free dose limits defined by regulations.

The pomegranate is normally red, isn't the white pomegranate a Genetically Modified Organism?

Absolutely not ! The white pomegranate is just another species of pomegranate, much richer in antioxidants. At Reborn, GMOs are prohibited.

Is it compatible with freckles?

Yes, it is completely compatible and without risks. The origin of freckles is genetic and no food supplement can change what genetics has predefined. It will not fade or accentuate freckles. On the other hand, it can prevent their intensification in the presence of the sun.

They adopted it!

Customer Reviews

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Excellents produits

Très bluffée par l'efficacité des produits. Dommage qu'ils soient chers.

Bonjour Jasmine,

Nous sommes ravis d'un tel retour sur l'efficacité de nos produits. Effectivement, nous comprenons que pour certaines personnes cela puisse représenter un coût important. C'est pourquoi nous mettons régulièrement en place des promotions ponctuelles pour rendre nos produits accessibles à tous.

Au plaisir d'échanger avec vous !

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